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BALANCE 34: "Birth of Venus"


Top: Pink
Lower: Turquoise
Shakes Together As: Pale Violet with Pink spots
Chakra: Root & Heart
Tarot Card: Three of Wands
I Ching Sign: # 34, "The Power of the Great" Thunder above, Heaven below

Main Theme: Access to the hidden mysteries of life and love

Dominant Characteristics: Can be a self-sufficient person in all areas of life. Can give and receive deep love. Does not deviate from one’s life path, no matter what happens - a great commitment. Has already come a long way and is open to mystic of life and love.

Possible Challenge Aspects: Experiences constant disappointment and does not learn from it. Does not trust the inner guidance. Does not see things as they are. Has great difficulty with the reality of life and withdraws from this truth.

Spiritual Level: Establishes access to the hidden secrets of life and love. Brings up lost secrets from the depths of the soul. Can be useful as an escort for "inner journey".

Mental Level: Promotes balance and leads to love between different or opposite aspects.

Emotional Level: Opens up the heart for giving and receiving love, the love that is always there. Releases the past and brings joy.

Where to Apply the Substance: Mainly around the heart area. With menstruation problems, around the abdomen/lower abdomen; in dream work, along the entire hairline.

Affirmation: I am who I am.